Costing Bed-Nights for the NDIS Accommodation Provider

Costing Bed-Nights for the NDIS Accommodation Provider

The NDIS Accommodation Provider runs a tight operation. Ideally, you want to achieve a 100% occupancy rate each night knowing the services are reaching the people in need. Reality is that a full house is not always possible. Of course, fixed costs are applicable...
Unit Costing: The Ultimate Guide

Unit Costing: The Ultimate Guide

Unit costing is important for business and not-for-profit organisations alike. As a business and not-for-profit organisation, you probably have an idea of how much your projects and programs cost to run overall. And, no doubt you have a very good understanding of how...
7 Handy Reports for Not-for-Profits

7 Handy Reports for Not-for-Profits

Management Reports for not-for-profits are the basis of good decision-making. With parts of the NFP sector moving towards consumer directed funding, reporting at both the boardroom and management level has now become more than just an exercise in advising how grant...
How NDIS Providers Use Calxa

How NDIS Providers Use Calxa

Over the past few years, the disability sector in Australia has undergone a major shift. To manage the transformation, NDIS Providers are using Calxa to supercharge their business.   NDIS Shift: From Bulk Funding to Fee for Service The introduction of the...
Three Things to Include in Your Board Report

Three Things to Include in Your Board Report

It can be overwhelming trying to figure out what to include in your board report. Whether you’re working for a large not-for-profit with a formal board or a small business where the board meeting happens around the kitchen table, providing good, useful reports is...
NFP Tech Giants Merge

NFP Tech Giants Merge

There have been 2 major Not-for-Profit technology organisations dominating the sector – in their different ways – over the past 2 decades. Connecting Up, with their donation and discount program, and Infoxchange, consultants and developers of “Technology for Social...
Current Ratios in the Not-for-Profit Sector

Current Ratios in the Not-for-Profit Sector

The current ratio, or working capital ratio as it’s often known, is commonly used as an indicator of the viability of an organisation, whether it’s a business or a Not-for-Profit. It compares your current assets like bank deposits, debtors and trading stock to your...
Board Members keeping their Not-for-Profit afloat

Board Members keeping their Not-for-Profit afloat

Keeping your not-for-profit afloat is no easy task. Trading solvent weighs heavily on some boards, especially those who take board member responsibilities seriously. This means a board member needs to not only have the skill to quickly grasp where the organisation is...