Whether you are consolidating 2 companies or 200 or the accounting data is in MYOB, Xero or QuickBooks, Calxa has always had a strong reputation for powerful, flexible reporting. Now you can consolidate any Calxa report. Our consolidated reporting has always included standard Profit & Loss (Income Statement) reports, Balance Sheets (Statement of Financial Position), reports to compare budgets to actuals and, of course, Cashflow Forecasts.
What’s Changed to Consolidate Calxa Reports
So, what more would anyone want? “Everything!”, is the answer. While we have provided multi-organisation consolidation on 90% of our reports, there were a few that could only be run for one organisation at a time and that has frustrated some of our users. But, we’ve had the development team working late over the end of the year and we can now confirm that, from early February, all of Calxa’s reports can be consolidated.
Calxa Reports to Consolidate a Group
Showing a consolidated view across multiple entities is important for enterprises and group of companies. Here are the key Calxa reports to do just that.
KPI charts
The newer multi-period KPI charts were introduced as multi-organisation ready when we released them last year. Now, some of the older ones get that facility as well. The ones to look at are the KPI Analysis Bar and Line Charts and the KPI Comparison Line Chart (this one compares multiple KPIs on the one chart).
Break-even Analysis
A break-even analysis is an important part of evaluating the profitability of any business and now you can do that on more than one company. Just select an Organisation Group in the filters and you’ll see the consolidated result.
Where Did Our Money Go?
The report has always worked for multiple companies but now you can display the information graphically as well. The chart is a great way to help non-accountants understand the connection between Net Profit and Bank Movement. There are all sorts of reasons why they might not be the same!
Accounts Analysis Charts
Choose the bar chart or line chart depending on your taste or requirements. These charts work best where you have a common Account Tree across your group and you report on one of the header accounts. You’ll be able to see Actuals and Budgets for the selected and previous years for any level of account.
Account Trends Stacked Bar Chart
This chart is great to show the contribution of, for example, different income lines to your total revenue. It will show the largest at the bottom, smaller ones above and allow you to clearly see how the pattern changes seasonally.
Pie Charts
A pie chart is useful to show the relative contribution or consumption of different components. You can now run the Account Breakdown and the Accounts by Business Unit charts over your entire group of companies.
Budget Comments
Finally, the documentation. This Budget Comments report picks up the comments entered against a budget. This is where you can explain your assumptions. It is a useful addition to a report bundle to explain to your audience why the budget was set the way it was.
Don’t Forget Account Trees
Finally, a quick note on Account Trees. These charts will work best if you’ve used the same Account Tree. This provides the same structure across all your companies. For many of the charts, you’ll choose one of the higher-level header accounts to pick up the sum of the detail accounts from each company. Read 7 Uses for Account Trees to get a real idea of Calxa’s powerful report engine.
About Calxa’s Group Consolidations
Calxa has one of the most flexible and powerful ways of running group consolidations. From creating the common account structure to report across a series of companies to handling elimination journals. Find out more about Calxa’s Group Consolidations.