As we are rapidly approaching the end of another financial year, attention needs to be turned to your accounting software, to ensure that your software is compliant for the new financial year.

These updates will deliver changes to payroll tax tables and new initiatives such as SuperStream, which will make sure you are ready to go from the 1st of July.


AccountRight (both Classic & Live versions) – Software updates has been available for downloading since June 23.
Essentials – The update will be delivered automatically via the browser application.
Refer to MYOB’s End of Financial Year 2015 Planner for further information and support.


The update will be delivered automatically via the browser application.
Refer to Xero’s End of Financial Year Blog Article for further information and support.


Accounts – The 15/16 software patch updates will be available for downloading from June 25.
Refer to Reckon’s End of Year Processes support note for further information.