Calxa Resources

Cashflow Forecast Calxa Report

Cashflow Forecast Calxa Report

How to use the Cash flow forecast Report Understand the detail of your future cashflow including expected receipts and payments, what’s needed for tax and payroll liabilities and when you need to source additional funds....
Where Did Our Money Go? Chart

Where Did Our Money Go? Chart

    How to use this report Non-accountants need to understand the connection between the net profit and the bank balance. See how the business has been funded and what the major outgoings have been – prepared ready for the lay...
Bank Movement Waterfall Chart

Bank Movement Waterfall Chart

This chart visually represents the cumulative effect of the positive and negative movements on your bank balance. Each bar starts at the position the previous bar finished thus showing the cumulative effect of the inflows and outflows.

Cashflow Forecast Chart

Cashflow Forecast Chart

One of the most important reports any business should run on a regular basis. It shows the bank balance looking forward to highlight upcoming tight spots. Displaying the bank balance line across the bars sectioned into income, expenses, assets and liabilities it gives a good idea of what drives the cash.