Our software update this month brings you one long-awaited report and a couple of new charts to help you understand your cash movements and the value of your organisation – and some enhancements to the Budget Factory Wizard.

Bank Movement

This report shows your opening bank balance for each month, your income and expenses and then your balance sheet movements to bring you back to the closing bank balance. Like our spreadsheet reports, it shows one column per month with the option to show actuals for completed months and budget for the rest of the year. A perfect report for your bank manager or your board.

Bank Movement Waterfall Chart

Visualise the movements in and out of your bank with the Waterfall chart. It will work best with an Account Tree to group and summarise your accounts but it will clearly show you the transition from opening to closing bank.

Net Worth Chart

Visually see your total Assets, total Liabilities and the net worth of your organisation over time. See how your share of its value is increasing (or if you’re in trouble!)

Budget Factory Enhancements

We’ve had great feedback on the Budget Factory since we introduced it and many people now use it to quickly set budgets for the next year (you can also use it to make bulk updates to the current budget but do a backup before doing that).

This month extends the wizard to include copying Balance Sheet movements from one year to another and to give you more options on how to handle inactive accounts.