We’re starting this year with some improvements to make Calxa easier to use and then, the big one, will be customisable dashboards. Usability includes the Metrics configuration, simplified changes to billing and better labelling of Xero tracking categories.



Making Calxa Easier to Use

Our team sits down regularly to look at how we can make Calxa easier to use. This year, we are planning a stream of more significant improvements. Let’s start with a few this month.


Group Metrics Will Be New in Calxa

We moved the configuration of Metrics to the KPIs & Metrics section. Here you can:

  • Group them and sort them the way you want as well as choose where you want to use them.
  • Use the same metrics across all your organisations to simplify your KPIs.
  • Choose which business units need each metric so it’s much easier to edit budgets and actuals.

You will notice that you can now set a number format for Metrics, just like you can with KPIs. There is no immediate impact for this. However, in a few weeks we will add the option to choose them directly on reports and then it will be very important.



We’ve long had the option of separate roles for the payer and owner of a subscription but sometimes this becomes hard to work with. This is especially true for our larger accounting practices. Shortly we will simplify this and generate invoices automatically if you add or remove organisations. That will save the billing contact from having to increase the capacity first. Furthermore, the invoice description will detail who has made the change so you can maintain accountability in your organisation.

Also new in Calxa shortly, an additional enhancement to this. Currently only the owner or co-owner of a subscription can add organisations. We are working on additional permissions for a workspace user to add organisations or user to their workspace.

One more billing change that’s not far away is simplifying our upgrade/downgrade invoices. Until now, our system has credited the remainder of the current subscription and then invoiced a full month at the new rate. This gave you odd amounts on upgrades and shifted your payment date. The new system that’s coming very soon will:

  1. Invoice you for the upgraded capacity for the remainder of the current month on a pro-rata basis
  2. And then your next month will start at the usual date and be for the new amount.

That should be simpler for everyone! If you are a Xero subscriber, this way of invoicing will feel familiar too.


Tracking Categories

Currently, we use the generic terms Project and Department for your lists of Tracking Category Options. You can change them easily in Settings, Configuration but you have to know that option is there. We realised we  have access to all the information we need and we will now name them automatically when you connect your Xero organisation. That should remove confusion, especially for those of you reporting on tracking categories across organisations.


Finding Reports

We know you need easier ways to find the report templates you need and the first of many improvements planned for this year is better searching. You will be able to search on more than just the template name. It won’t all be visible but we are adding alternate names, keyword and descriptions to help you get a closer search result.



What Is Happening with Dashboards?

This is the exciting change and one that’s been on the drawing board for a while. We will release the Dashboard changes in a couple of stages so you get something as soon as we can deliver it. new in Calxa first up in February will be:

  • Dashboards for consolidated groups
  • Export dashboards to PDF or add to a report bundle
  • A choice of 2-3 pre-set dashboards. Initially, just a few but with time we will add more.

In March, we will follow this up with full customisation options. More details (and training webinars) to follow soon.


And don’t forget to add some KPIs while you’re at it! Check out the latest software change log for all the details.