The ICB Roadshow is happening in March around the country, starting in Launceston on the 3rd, and finishing in Darwin on the 19th. These events are a great opportunity to gain the latest strategies and the information you need to know about the world of all things bookkeeping.

The ICB is the largest bookkeeping institute in the world, and actively promotes and maintains the standards of bookkeeping as a profession, through a series of relevant qualifications, and the award of grades of membership that recognise academic attainment, working experience and competence.

The theme of the national roadshow this year is “Bookkeeping Now and the Future”, and a range of topics will be covered, including;

  • What is bookkeeping in 2015? What is it in 2016?
  • What is the ATO planning for 2020?
  • The next software wave: What they will be selling to you and your business.
  • Best Practice Bookkeeping
  • Picking up a new client: Things to watch in today’s new technology world.
  • Bookkeping that does more than just help your clients

This is just a sample of some of the topics that will be covered in this series of roadshows.

Registrations for members, students and non-members are still available, and people can register here via the ICB website.

Membership of the ICB provides many benefits, and we actively encourage anybody involved in the bookkeeping industry to fully explore the benefits of ICB membership. More information on the benefits of ICB membership can be found here.